Sunday, May 31, 2009


We caught Maggie giggling on film! She's been laughing a lot more often these days, and it is the best thing EVER!!! I just love hearing her laugh. Penny is her favorite thing to laugh at today. Friday it was an egg shaker that Danny from work gave to her. That's when Brian caught her with the camera.
My flowers are doing well! Some still haven't bloomed, but the ones that I thought weren't going to make it are looking fine now! Penny has only gotten into the flowers once since we planted them, so that's good.
Saturday we took Penny and Maggie to the park. Penny was so excited when we came through the entrance that she started shaking. There were lots of people there having graduation parties, and she of course wanted to say "hi" to all of them. Maggie was only awake for a few minutes in her stroller before the nice breeze and outdoor sights and sounds put her right to sleep. I got some much needed exercise, and we hall had a great Saturday.
Last weekend I decided to take my easel out onto the porch to paint. It was a good idea until the rainclouds rolled in and blocked out the sun. It's not easy to paint in the dark. Everything is still sitting out there, waiting for me to finish!
I tried to upload the video of Maggie laughing, but it is too long...I'll get a shorter one soon.
Instead I'll post a cute picture of Maggie visiting with her cousins yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. You have to send me a copy of that needs framed and put by my TV!!! I had a lot of fun yesterday. I miss you guys so much!
