Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Daddy's Graduation, Mother's Day

Hooray for Daddy! Brian is done with school, and has TWO degrees to show for it! We are so proud of him. He is now taking trombone lessons from Mr. Stewart at Indiana University, and is sending out his impressive resume to several job leads in the Packaging industry. I know it won't be long before someone snatches him up!

What did I get for my first Mothers' Day? I got to hear my little girl laugh for the first time! I wish I could bottle that sound up and store it for a rainy day. There's nothing better for lifting your mood than hearing those giggles! Apparently Roger and Brooke's dogs are hilarious. Maggie thinks so, anyway. I haven't caught her laughing on film yet (it is a rare occurrence when it's just the two of us...I guess I'm not that funny) but when I do, I will be sure to share it!

I plan to plant flowers today. I have to pull weeds first, so we'll see. Mom brought me some perennial seeds, black-eyed susans and coreopsis, that I will start in some pots, and I bought a flat of annuals on Friday that need planted. Hopefully Penny won't destroy the flowers in the back yard. We'll see.

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