Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Skinny minny

Maggie had her routine check up at the Dr. last week, and she had lost weight since her last visit several months ago! I wasn't surprised because she has turned into quite the picky eater. For instance, today I prepared a usual sure-thing (toaster strudel) for her breakfast, and she would have nothing to do with it! I can't even get this kid to eat candy bars, sometimes!!! So, I've just been making sure she is getting enough to drink, and adding instant breakfast to her milk. Hopefully she will grow out of this phase soon! It is difficult not to stress out about it.
She is still just a happy camper, albeit a skinny one. I absolutely LOVE being with her all day, every day. I wouldn't trade even the most frustrating times for anything. She continues to learn new things, and I really try to cherish these small special moments we have together, because I know they only last a short time.