Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Brian is SUCH a good father to little Maggie. She sure loves him!!! I know she can't say so yet, but I can tell.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer's here!

Maggie had her first dip in the pool last Monday when Aunt Amy and the girls were in town. It was a little cold for her yet, but she seemed to like it a little bit! She's been eating cereal and orange veggies like a champ!!! She's starting to get chunky in her little legs and arms.
Maggie is just too much fun!!! She loves to reach out and grab, cheeks, Penny, etc. This week she had been doing really well about laying down in bed and going right to sleep at night. She's growing up!!!
Here are some fun pictures of the little sweetie pie!