Tuesday, May 17, 2011


There are lots of reason why I haven't kept up with Maggie's blog, the main one being Maggie! Hahaha! Two year olds definitely require lots of attention! It has been so long, I'm not sure where to start!
Well, Maggie is talking up a storm, and she usually needs me to translate for her. Being with her all day makes it easier to understand her language. There are so many things she says now that are so cute, it is hard for me to remember everything! Right now she is saying "choo-choo" because she saw a train on TV. She also says "need a hug" when she wants to be held, "i love you", "it's funny", and much much more. Her favorite things to sing are "Oh where is my hairbrush" from Veggie Tales, and "What's gonna work? Teamwork" from Wonderpets. When she want you to sit by her she pats the chair and says "Right Bear?" instead of "Right there?" She LOOOOOVES playing in water...the bathtub, the sink, puddles, birdbaths, basically anything with water in it. I think the pool will be fun this summer.
She is very much attached to her pink stuffed elephant. She sleeps with him every night. She has to have him and a blanket or "kankie" as Maggie would say. Maggie also loves ducks or "gucks."
Recently, we took her to the zoo with my friend Kristin in Indianapolis. The first animals you can see are the sea lions. There was one sunning himself on a rock. Maggie was excited about all the water in the tank and when the sea lion moved she finally noticed it and gasped and started squealing and talking up a storm! It was so much fun to see her enjoy all the animals. She said "need a hug?" to the giraffes, and was a little afraid of the snakes.
Maggie is fitting well into the "big sister" role. She gives Audrey her pacifier and gently pets her head or holds her hand. She let's me know when Audrey is crying. She says, "Mommy, baby Audrey!"
Well, Audrey is crying right now, so I have to go!

1 comment:

  1. I bet she's a great big sister, and she's so adorable!
