Monday, March 16, 2009

Super Daddy

Brian watched Maggie two days in a row, and she is still in one piece! Not that I expected anything different, but he did a great job. She's definitely going to be a "daddy's girl." They watch golf together (Maggie through her eyelids), and she just loves to snuggle on Daddy's lap! It's too cute. Then when she starts to fuss, it's Mommy's turn. I don't mind. She's just too sweet and cuddly!!! Brian watched her yesterday while I cleaned the windows on the porch. That took forever and a day! If you haven't seen the windows, they're sort of like blinds made of glass. They open up with a crank to let air in on the porch, which is really neat, but made them very difficult to clean. And boy were they dirty!
Maggie loves to lay in her crib and watch her Winnie the Pooh mobile. She does what I call her "exercises" where she flails her arms and kicks her legs super-fast! It looks like she's dancing to the music of her mobile. She breaks out in a big grin whenever she hears it start to play. She's watched some more of her Baby Einstein videos...I think I enjoy them as much as she does...I'm watching one right now, and she's not even in the room!
I'm getting really excited about my sister-in-law Amber having her baby!!! She's going to have a girl probably any time now! Her due date is April 6th I think, but her first two kids were born 3 weeks early. I can't wait!!!
Well, I have some serious cleaning to do!!! I better get started while Miss Maggie is nappin'!

1 comment:

  1. I heard someone call them Baby Crack-stein once. They are that addictive.
